Our church has been having a missions conference this weekend, titled 'God's Heart For The World'. There are still two more services tomorrow, and we enjoyed an incredible worship celebration last night. We were blessed to hear from two awesome speakers: Ron Julian, Jr. and Donna Baptiste. This event could not have come at a more timely point for me personally (you'd think God planned it that way, huh?!). God has been doing a lot in my life over the last couple of years, especially the last six months; He has been putting me through a time of transformation (and I'll admit I didn't like it most of the time, and fought Him quite a bit along the way). For some time now, I have been sensing some leadings from Him towards a couple of new paths, that frankly are WAY out of my comfort zone and definitely outside of my realm of abilities. Now, I've learned that God does not look for our abilities, but for our availability; when we move forward in faith in unfamiliar territory, God is sure to receive all of the glory because it is very obvious that the task was only accomplished through Him. And I know that nothing is impossible with God. But... that doesn't make the obedience thing any easier, especially when you have already been making a lot of changes that really don't make sense to a lot of people. Of course, God never promised easy, only that He would be with us every step of the way. Surrender does not come without pain or struggle - But it is worth it! I read something awhile back that said "I'm so afraid that if I call Him, He will tell me that I must go that way." That is so true, at least for me. I want so desperately to stay in the center of God's will and hear His voice; but at the same time, I am afraid that I really will hear His voice and then be faced with showing my faith, trusting God, and being obedient to His leadings (ouch!). But, thankfully, God is not limited by our fears, and facing an impossibility gives us the opportunity to show what God can do through us!
So... back to the missions' speakers! A couple of the points that stuck with me from the evening: First, realizing that it is all of our jobs to make an investment in other people's lives. The question was asked, "Whose life are you investing in?" Obviously, this is not referring to monetary investing (although that sometimes comes into play as well); he was referring to us pouring ourselves into the lives of others, to connecting with them and building relationships so we can ultimately show them the love of Christ. This may start with helping to meet some of their very basic physical needs, but it doesn't end there; we must continue strive to fulfill their emotional and spiritual needs as well. If we don't speak God's words into their lives, who will?
Another key point I received from last night was that my life is not my own - God knows what is best - and we cannot become complacent with where we are and what we are doing. God is not required to tell us the plan He has for us, and He is entitled to change the direction we are headed at any given moment. I'm learning (the hard way I might add!) that more often than not God will give us the next step we are to take and will only show us the following step after we take that first one - the moment we hear His voice is the moment we are to obey (again, easier said than done!). We need to have a heart for the lost, and not be complacent about reaching them; and we cannot be confused about who the lost actually are - the mission field has come to our own neighborhoods and work places. Of course, there will always be a need for overseas missionaries, but the need is great and God is working right where we are. To develop and keep our passion for the lost, we need to keep our passion for the love of the Lord. I know I very seldom feel equipped to do many of the things God asks me to do (and I don't believe I'm alone in feeling that way). But guess what? God wants to use us, not because there is no one else, but because He chose us for a specific purpose. How cool is that?! So the questions asked last night: "Am I right now actively sharing the gospel of Christ?" "Who have I led to Christ recently - in the past year, two years, three years, etc.?"
So... complacency (lack of prayer and studying God's word, development of spiritual disciplines, being more dependant on ourselves than on God, not having open eyes and a heart for the lost, etc.), confusion (Who really are the lost, and where are they?), a wake up call (God chose you and me specifically to fulfill His purposes - are we taking action when He calls us?).
I don't know about you, but I have not been living up to my commitment to the Lord, and I have too often allowed my own fears and limitations to limit what God is wanting to do through me. I mentioned this weekend's speakers coming at a timely point for me, and that I have been sensing some leadings from Him towards a couple of new paths (I hesitate to use the words "being called" because while it is very exciting it is also somewhat scary to me, and I don't really like thinking about it!). I have shared what I have been feeling with only two people (and I'm not sure how I happened to do that!). Unfortunately, as much as I "say" I want to stay in the center of God's will, I still allow my earthly tendencies to allow me to hesitate in being obedient. God has been very gracious and has not given up on me when I have been hesitant to obey, and I have eventually made many of the changes that I knew He was calling me to make (Donna Baptiste pointed out last night how ridiculous it is that we wrestle with God about where He is taking us - He always wins - Thank God!). It's that word "eventually" that bothers me - true faith is belief in action, and a lack of faith ultimately reveals a lack of trust in God. It makes me cringe to even think that I do not trust God 100% in everything I do; but when I hesitate and don't take action when He calls, that is what I am showing to others. Is that an attitude that leads me to invest in the lives of other people, and to actively share the gospel of Christ to the lost? I don't' think so.
I'm praying tonight, for me and for each person who is serious about following Christ and reaching the lost for Him, that whatever God calls me to do He will enable me to do it. I ask that He will instill in me a simple, perfect trust in Him, where I no longer want God's blessings, but I only want Him. I am asking Him to remind me to surrender everything to Him every day, to show me where He is working around me, and give me courage to act when He tells me to act. I pray that He will help me to trust Him and obey Him as much as I long to love Him.
So, I don't know what tomorrow's messages from these amazing speakers will bring; but I do know that I am committing to open my heart, surrender my will, be outward focused, and accept God's will for me without fear or hesitation.
Have a blessed Sunday!
15 years ago
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