First blog entry in over six months... I guess I can't claim the title of "Blog Queen", huh?!
I went to my 25th high school reunion last weekend. I still cannot believe that it's been 25 years since I graduated from high school - yikes! I really had a great time, though! Surprisingly, I really wasn't concerned at all with all the "typical" reunion thoughts the week before the reunion, like "Can I lose about 80 lbs before the weekend?", or "Why didn't I color my gray hair?", or "Am I going to 'measure up' in my accomplishments in comparison with everyone else?". I was just really excited for the opportunity to reconnect with some old friends ("old" as in friends from previous days - none of us are "old"... yet!).
Like I said, I had a great time, both Friday and Saturday evenings. But what really stood out to me was realizing the impact that everyone had on one another's lives. Whether it was in a small or a big way, everyone affected everyone else in some way. While I'm usually doing good to remember what I had for breakfast, there were so many memories and stories that we all had to share. Some were very close friends, and many were people I went to school with from first grade through high school graduation; but some were people I knew, but would never have expected them to remember me at all. To my surprise, not only did most of those people remember me, but we all seemed to remember each other, have stories about one another, and were genuinely happy to see each other and catch up with what's been going on in our lives.
So that got me thinking... if a bunch of dorky kids can grow up to remember so much about each other and the events of our school days, what kind of memories are we creating with those around us today? Whether we realize it or not, we are always influencing someone, either positively or negatively. People are watching us; what do they see? What they observe and what they experience, no matter how insignificant it may seem or even if only for a short time, has an influence on them. And it should. Jesus has called each one of us to impact others for Him. Where is God calling you to serve? In what way could you impact those around you today?
Now don't get me wrong... I'm not trying to add any "pressure" to our already stressful lives by implying that the world is watching us, so we have a responsibility to always be "on"! What I am trying to say is that we do have a responsibility to keep our focus on Jesus, and allow Him to influence us - to change us - and everything we say and do; that is the only way that we can truly have the kind of influence on others that God has called us to make. In fact, I think a big reason that this stood out to me so much at the reunion is because I prayed before the reunion that God would open my eyes to see and my ears to hear those around me; that I would see and hear through His eyes and ears. I told God that if there was someone at the reunion who needed to talk or needed to hear from Him, that they would feel comfortable opening up to me; and that He would make clear to me if there is an open door with them, and then give me the courage to speak and/or act as He leads. There were at least three people who are facing tough times in their lives right now who opened up to me and who I was able to reach out to for Christ. Some just needed a friend (no matter how old that friend may be!) to listen; and some I was able to share with them books, experiences, and other resources that have helped me in my walk with the Lord, and that I thought may be of help to them as well. One friend followed up with me the following Monday and told me that she had already gotten a book that I had told her about ("Experiencing God" by Blackaby), and she had actually already suggested it to someone as well. So that initial opened door that God showed to me helped to reveal an open door for them to reach out to someone else, too!
You may not have a reunion planned any time soon, but maybe you can take a few minutes to remember some of the people who have had an impact on your life. Maybe you can even find a way to reconnect with one or two of them - either through email or an old-fashioned note - and share some memories and thank them for touching your life. More importantly, maybe you can ask God to open your eyes to someone in your path today who you could make a Christ-like impact with. I'm ashamed to say that I all too often don't spend the one-on-one time I need to with God; and I'm realizing that by not keeping that special time with Him my first priority every day, I'm not only hurting myself and leaving a huge void in my life, but I'm also missing out on the opportunities that God gives me to reach out and show God's love to someone else (even lack of action impacts those around us!). After all, how can I expect to hear God's voice, be obedient to His call, and enjoy the privilege of being His hands and feet to someone else if I'm not taking the time to quiet myself, opening my heart, allowing Him to change me, and spending time getting to know Him more intimately every moment of every day?
So... will you accept the challenge - the gift - to make a difference in someone's life today?! I am so grateful for all of those who have spoken into my life in one way or another (I'm sure if you're reading this, YOU are one of those people!); and I pray that I will take every opportunity that God gives me to be that person for someone else!
Have a blessed day! Make a difference for someone today, and thank someone who's made a difference in your life!
15 years ago
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